Below are technical specifications for the DJI Matrice 600 Pro. The information is from DJI website.
Diagonal Wheelbase
1133 mm
1668 mm × 1518 mm × 727 mm with propellers, frame arms and GPS mount unfolded (including landing gear) 437 mm × 402 mm × 553 mm with propellers, frame arms and GPS mount folded (excluding landing gear)
Package Dimensions
525 mm × 480 mm × 625 mm
Weight (with six TB47S batteries)
9.5 kg
Weight (with six TB48S batteries)
10 kg
Max Takeoff Weight Recommended
15.5 kg
Hovering Accuracy (P-GPS)
Vertical: ±0.5 m, Horizontal: ±1.5 m
Max Angular Velocity
Pitch: 300°/s, Yaw: 150°/s
Max Pitch Angle
Max Wind Resistance
8 m/s
Max Ascent Speed
5 m/s
Max Descent Speed
3 m/s
Max Speed
40 mph / 65 kph (no wind)
Max Service Ceiling Above Sea Level
2500 m
Hovering Time* (with six TB47S batteries)
No payload: 32 min, 6 kg payload: 16 min
Hovering Time* (with six TB48S batteries)
No payload: 38 min, 5.5 kg payload: 18 min
Flight Control System
A3 Pro
Supported DJI Gimbals
Ronin-MX; ZENMUSETM Z30, Zenmuse X5/X5R, Zenmuse X3, Zenmuse XT; Zenmuse Z15 Series HD Gimbal: Z15-A7, Z15-BMPCC, Z15-5D III, Z15-GH4
Retractable Landing Gear
Operating Temperature
14° to 104° F (-10° to 40° C)
Operating Frequency
920.6 MHz to 928 MHz (Japan); 5.725 GHz to 5.825 GHz; 2.400 GHz to 2.483 GHz
Max Transmission Distance
FCC Compliant: 3.1 mi (5 km), CE Compliant: 2.2 mi (3.5 km) (Unobstructed, free of interference)