XR11001VS:130 - 250 μm(subject to working environment and spraying speed)
Total Weight
10 kg (without battery)
Standard Takeoff Weight
23.8 kg
Max Takeoff Weight
24.8 kg (at sea level)
Max Thrust-Weight Ratio
1.71 (with 23.8 kg takeoff weight)
Power Battery
DJI Designated Battery (MG-12000S)
Max Power Consumption
6400 W
Hovering Power Consumption
3800 W(@with 23.8 kg takeoff weight)
Hovering Time*
22 min(@12000 mAh & 13.8 kg takeoff weight) 10 min(@12000 mAh & 23.8 kg takeoff weight) *Hovering time acquired at sea level, with wind speeds lower than 3m/s.
Max Operating Speed
7 m/s
Max Flying Speed
12 m/s(P & F Mode,with GPS);15 m/s (A Mode)
Max Service Ceiling Above Sea Level
2000 m
Recommended Operating Temperature
0 ℃ to 40 ℃
Operating Frequency
2.400 GHz to 2.483 GHz
Max Transmission Range
1 km (unobstructed, free of interference)
≤20 dBm
Built-in Battery
9000 mAh,2S LiPo
Output Power
7 W
Operating Temperature Range
-10 ℃ to 40 ℃
Storage Temperature Range
Less than 3 months: -20 to 45℃ More than 3 months: 22 to 28℃